Pavement Striping and Signs

Lone Star Paving Provides Striping and Signs in Nashville, TN

From repainting dull faded lines to laying out new parking stalls, Lone Star Paving provides expert striping and signs in Nashville, TN and the Middle Tennessee area, using only premium traffic paints.

New parking line striping, signs and pavement markings can be an economical way to give your parking lot a fresh, inviting appearance. However, the benefits extend far beyond merely improving your parking lot’s looks. A well-striped parking lot with the proper pavement markings is also safer for your visitors, whether they are walking or driving, and can therefore help reduce your chances of being held liable for damages or injuries that occur on your property.

Why Parking Lot Striping, Signs And Pavement Marking Is Important

The precise pavement markings you will need depends on local ordinances, the configuration of your parking lot and the amount of traffic the lot must normally support. Typically, markings include all or most of the following:

  1. ADA-compliant markings, such as dedicated parking spaces that are handicapped-accessible
  2. Curb and/or pavement markings to indicate fire lanes
  3. Pedestrian crosswalks
  4. Arrows to indicate the direction traffic should follow, such as whether the lane must turn right or left, whether the aisle is one-way and similar information for drivers
  5. No-parking areas or loading zones
  6. Special markings, such as notices of cross traffic, stop signs or speed limits

When such pavement markings and signs are used in conjunction with well-defined parking spaces, the parking lot has a cleaner, more organized appearance. This makes navigating the lot less confusing for drivers, and since they must deal with fewer distractions, this tends to make them safer drivers.

Your parking lot makes a statement to all those who enter your property, whether they are vendors, customers or employees. A well-marked parking lot lets others know that you take pride in your property, pay attention to details and are concerned about providing others with a safe, attractive place to park. People tend to extend this perception to other aspects of your operation, such as the quality of what you offer and your personal integrity. In short, the condition of your parking lot can affect your own reputation as well as the reputation of your business. Therefore, if you can do only one thing to improve the appearance of your parking lot, line striping, signs and pavement markings should be high on your list.